RSL’s and MRSL’s both help brands manage hazardous chemicals in their products and supply chains.
I think the MRSL is a more valuable tool because it restricts hazardous chemicals earlier in the manufacturing process. There is some confusion about the two lists, especially as they mostly contain the same chemicals. Below is a table that shows what each tool does and where it fits in the supply chain but first, let’s start with a definition of each.
Definitions of an RSL and MRSL
A RSL is a list of hazardous chemicals that are restricted below a certain threshold in finished textile products.
A MRSL is a list of hazardous chemicals that are restricted below a certain threshold in textile, apparel and footwear manufacturing. This list includes process chemicals, which may be used in manufacturing but are not present in the finished product.
An important point to consider is that if hazardous chemicals are restricted at the factory gate before they even enter the manufacturing facility, theoretically they will not be present on the finished product. This means
- The amount of product testing can be reduced significantly
- Fewer products to test, and less transportation to testing labs saves money
- Fewer garments need to be destroyed which is a requirement for testing
Table showing differences between a RSL and MRSL
Provides threshold limits of hazardous chemicals allowed in finished products | Provides threshold limits of hazardous chemicals allowed in chemical formulations |
Products tested for presence of hazardous chemicals | Chemical formulations tested for presence of hazardous chemicals |
Allows hazardous chemicals in manufacturing | Does not allow hazardous chemicals to enter factory gate. |
Tool used to adhere to regulatory requirements | Beyond compliance |
Focus on end-of-pipe | Focus on input chemistry |
Numerous RSL’s, each with different chemicals, limits and requirements. | ZDHC MRSL is the first time brands are aligning on a single tool |
Impacts to your business
Questions to consider:
- Do you have both an RSL and MRSL?
- Do you currently have relationships with chemical suppliers that can prove they adhere to your RSL and MRSL?
For help with any issue associated with chemicals, contact Amanda Cattermole at (415) 412 8406 or We can help you develop powerful solutions to protect your company and brand reputation and result in safer products manufactured in cleaner supply chains.
Tips and Insights contains information to help you make informed chemical management decisions. Each post highlights a particular topic and includes questions you may want to consider for your business.